Monday, June 30, 2008
DPS: Informs OUR Understanding
Deficit plagues her 1st year in Detroit; budget vote tonight
With a year under her belt as superintendent of Detroit Public Schools, Connie Calloway has been praised by supporters for uncovering financial mismanagement and ideas on using test results to identify areas in which students need to improve.
But Calloway also has been criticized by detractors for waiting until this month to address what became a $400-million hole in the budget and for not delivering a detailed blueprint for fixing the district's finances and improving student achievement.
The district must approve a new budget today or shut down until a deal is reached, school officials said.
Supporters -- who include community leaders, Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and the state superintendent -- said her academic passion will pay off if the school board gives her time. But critics -- who include principals and several board members -- call her unresponsive at best and inept at worst. Parents give her mixed reviews.
The criticism peaked this month when the finance department released a projected $400-million budget deficit.
The deficit, Calloway said, was largely inherited from -- and covered up by -- previous DPS administrations. Some board members counter that she could have helped reduce it by making planned layoffs last year, or at least including tentative cuts when the 2008-09 proposed budget was unveiled so the hole would not have seemed as large.
It's the kind of disagreement she'll likely see more of in her second year on the job, which begins Tuesday. Calloway's critics and supporters agree that she needs to announce an improvement plan and score a significant victory soon if she is to lead the district forward.
"It's a big, old, huge bureaucracy, and we are a tough city," said supporter Carol Goss, president and chief executive officer of the Skillman Foundation. "She needs some wins. She needs to figure out what those early wins are and begin to promote that."
Kilpatrick said in a statement Friday: "The problems facing the district today are larger than anyone could have anticipated. Dr. Calloway inherited a difficult situation, but she remains focused on transforming DPS."
Caught in the middle is a district that could face a deluge of charter schools if the student population dips below 100,000 this fall, as projected.
Calloway did not respond to more than a half-dozen interview requests. But her approach to planning, academics and finances is being watched closely by educators, parents and community leaders.
Calloway inherited a district with the country's worst enrollment drop, decreasing per-pupil funding and the lowest graduation rate among big-city districts. She was brought to town to make sweeping change.
But she angered some board members from the outset by saying she preferred to communicate with the board president, who would, in turn, filter information to the body. She had a lukewarm relationship with then-board President Jimmy Womack for the first seven months, but the current president, Carla Scott, has been supportive.
A formal evaluation by the school board of Calloway's progress is six months overdue, but board member Annie Carter -- a chair of the superintendent evaluation committee -- said it is forthcoming. Some board members still say that, with support, Calloway's academic expertise will lead to improvements. But criticism is mounting from others -- such as Carter -- who said this month that she would welcome Calloway's resignation.
Morale among teachers, principals and other staff dipped this year. Union leaders were caught off-guard by a proposed budget cut that called for them to give $58 million in concessions and freeze a 2.5% contracted salary increase for teachers. And Virginia Cantrell, president of the Detroit Federation of Teachers and a 40-year veteran of the district, wrote in May that morale is lower than she has ever seen. A group of 37 principals and assistant principals signed a report calling the atmosphere in the district toxic.
Still, Cantrell said, Calloway is not the cause or solution to every ill in DPS. "Everyone should be willing to get behind the superintendent," she said. "She's going to be here four more years, unless she chooses to leave, and we need to look at what we all need to be doing to move this district forward."
The state Department of Education and stakeholders such as New Detroit and the Skillman Foundation -- which pour millions in grants into DPS annually -- said one of Calloway's strengths is that she shares data with them about how schools are doing and is focused on students' well-being.
"This is the first time we felt we've had the attention of the school leader who understands teaching and learning," Goss said. "So we are hopeful."
Henry Ford High School parent Carolyn Miller-Bell went with DPS officials in May to New York to tour schools that could be models for changes Calloway has in mind for DPS schools. She gave Calloway mixed reviews for responsiveness, but the tour gave her a better appreciation for how Calloway wants to improve achievement.
"She's focused on it," Miller-Bell said. "It's just getting others focused on it. She's trying."
Contact CHASTITY PRATT DAWSEY at 313-223-4537 or
Calloway and the budget: 'I give her credit for uncovering things'
June 30, 2008
Superintendent Connie Calloway has said that the $400-million deficit revealed this month was largely the result of past-due bills and faulty accounting practices identified by her staff and reviewers from the Council of the Great City Schools.
She inherited a budget process that allowed structural deficits for at least four years, and faced $102 million in bills that were not budgeted for, reports show.
But some board members and a CGCS reviewer said her decision to not lay off 611 teachers in the middle of the school year, in response to declining enrollment, contributed to the deficit.
Calloway has said that she did not want to disrupt classroom instruction.
State Superintendent Michael Flanagan is among the educators and parents who give Calloway good reviews for her academic passion. But Flanagan said he will hold her accountable for fixing the financial crisis that became clear on her watch. He said there is no plan for the state to appoint a financial manager for DPS -- other districts statewide are looking at deficits, and there would be a political problem if Detroit was alone in getting one.
"There would be perceived racial overtones that just aren't necessary," he said. "I give her credit for uncovering things."
Weeks before the deficit was revealed, activist Helen Moore asked at a public meeting whether DPS faced a $65-million deficit. Calloway said she was unaware of a deficit, and Chief Financial Officer Joan McCray said DPS would have a $5.2-million surplus.
That, to Moore, shows that Calloway does not have the skills to do the job. She predicted Calloway will be gone in months.
"We cannot afford this level of mishap, incompetency and failure," she said.
While Calloway's team evaluated financial practices, it asked principals and staff to not spend certain funds -- including Title I dollars for low-income students. However, millions of that money now could be sent back to the government if DPS and the state cannot find a legal way to use it to help plug the budget hole.
Student performance: School chief is 'on track'
June 30, 2008
Superintendent Connie Calloway has offered ideas on improving student performance in Detroit schools, but no details.
For example, she announced that five schools would be reinvented and labeled Turn Around Schools. Existing staff would be removed, and independent schools of about 450 students would be formed in each building. Many educators have said that smaller schools can boost graduation rates.
But classes start in a little more than two months and details for the schools haven't been worked out, so they are unlikely to open by fall as planned. Michael Tenbusch, a former Detroit school board member, has researched several such high schools nationwide. He said the concept is a winner, but planning takes about 10 months.
"New York improved graduate rates over 4 years, from 50% to 60%," said Tenbusch, vice president of educational preparedness for the United Way for Southeast Michigan. "I believe Dr. Calloway is on track."
Calloway gained favor last fall by announcing a new state-funded early college program that would allow high school students to earn an associates degree in a health-related field without paying to attend a community college. She scored points as well with a data system she wants teachers to use to pinpoint where students need to improve on standardized tests.
But the state said DPS remains out of compliance with a federal requirement to offer free tutoring to students in struggling schools.
Chastity Pratt Dawsey
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Change system for sake of students
BY MIKE FLANAGAN • June 29, 2008
Narrow thinkers wanting to water down the new high school graduation requirements have wrongly bleated that the new Michigan Merit Curriculum is "cookie cutter," because it expects that all kids will learn the same rigorous academic content.
Well, it is not the curriculum that is cookie cutter; it's the current educational system, which wants all kids to fit in that box we call a classroom, when some just won't. We don't need to change the new requirements. We need to change the system.
We developed this new Michigan Merit Curriculum with the expectation that schools would expand learning opportunities in new and creative ways. Students can, for example, receive
Algebra II, chemistry and economics credits through online courses, career tech programs, and project-based learning.
Some school districts, like Wyandotte, are figuring it out and developing ways to reach every student and teach them the needed standards. I applaud them for embracing the reality that all kids can learn higher levels of math, science, English and social studies. When we broaden our ways of teaching students, we can have high expectations of them, and they will respond. I am a proven example of that.
I grew up in Brooklyn, N.Y., and was a bit on the rough edge when my family moved out to the suburbs of Long Island. Needless to say, I didn't quite fit in, and school for me was not going well.
When I was in the eighth grade, a teacher who thought I could be doing better got me into a program called the 89ers -- eighth-grade students doing ninth-grade work. Heck, I wasn't even doing seventh-grade work at the time. But the teachers and the school expected and believed we could do it. They believed in us and approached our education in a different way, and we succeeded. It turned my life around.
Just because someone thinks a certain group of students "can't" learn a certain subject doesn't mean those students don't "need" to learn those subjects. In this globally competitive world we now live in, all our students need to learn higher level concepts. Anyone who claims otherwise is setting up our students and our state for failure now and into the future.
Michigan's unemployment rate is the highest it has been since 1992. Is that because there are no jobs available? No. There are some 80,000 jobs available in Michigan today, but they are jobs that require the higher-level knowledge and skills that the Michigan Merit Curriculum will prime.
We want Michigan's high school diploma to mean that every student has received a bona fide, high-quality education upon which employers can depend. We want a Michigan high school diploma that means something, and that is globally competitive.
We must resist every effort to wilt and water down our nationally renowned graduation standards. The key to success in this drive to the top is the willingness to accept the need to change. We can't keep doing what we've always done and expect different outcomes.
In today's workforce, college-ready is the same as work-ready for what employers need. Someone recently alarmed me when he said: "My waitress doesn't need algebra." I was floored! I believe that all work is honorable, but what if that waitress, or store clerk, or landscaper wants to change careers and needs to go to college? Will they have the math and science background to go on and study to become a medical technician or architect?
How do we know which ninth-grade students will want to enter what career five or 10 years down the road? I refuse to predetermine that. All kids need to complete the Michigan Merit Curriculum.
For this rigorous curriculum to really work, however, we need to re-imagine what our current education system is. We need a system that meets the needs of all students, in a manner that meets their needs and the needs of employers. The classroom of the past 50-plus years no longer is relevant to all of today's students.
MIKE FLANAGAN is Michigan's superintendent of public instruction. Write to him in care of the Free Press Editorial Page, 615 W. Lafayette, Detroit, MI 48226 or at
Don't give up on plan for higher grades
Legislators should give new tougher standards a chance to work
June 29, 2008
There's just no point in jettisoning a life preserver before you know whether it'll float.
Yet the very policy that promises, long term, to lift up generations of Michigan high school students is in jeopardy of being picked apart before it's had a chance to pay off.
The standards are just now going into full effect.
Yet, at the same time, a House subcommittee on high school alternatives has begun re-examining its success and holding hearings on a range of possible changes, the most controversial of which could create an alternative diploma and tweak some of the state's math mandates.
While the process is just beginning, every legislator ought to lend a cautious eye so that Michigan doesn't prematurely gut the rigor out of its efforts to raise the educational bar.
State Rep. Hoon-Yung Hopgood, D-Taylor, insists the subcommittee isn't out to undo the standards.
"We're looking at how kids are getting through the graduation requirements," explained Hopgood. "It may be that there can be a fine-tuning to help prevent the bad outcome, which is kids just having a lot of frustration and a lack of success with the requirements."
It's true the state's new standards warrant monitoring, if only because increasing the numbers of high school graduates is a central piece of the state's economic strategy.
But monitoring and meddling are two different things. Michigan wasted at least 20 years ignoring the importance of toughness in high school graduation standards. The price of that choice is implicit in the legions of unemployed and undereducated citizens throughout the state.
Any knee-jerk relaxation of the standards only adds to the state's negatives in the eyes of companies looking for high skills workers.
This is not to say Michigan has put a problem-free policy on the books. What government ever meets that mark? But the change Michigan has adopted is solid and drastic enough to star in the national discussion about the direction all American high schools have to travel to compete in the 21st Century. With all eyes finally fixed on Michigan for something positive, the Legislature should be leery of relinquishing the chance to lead.
Michigan has yet to even graduate a class of students under the new standards; leaders who now want to undercut the policy don't have a clear enough picture of its weaknesses or its strengths to determine what needs fixing.
Yes, it's alarming to learn that more than 20% of freshmen in the Class of 2011 -- the first to graduate under Michigan's new standards -- failed Algebra I in the most recent school year.
Legislators are right to question what's being done to ensure that those students don't fail further. But one of the ideas being discussed is weakening the need for Algebra II, an off-point overreaction to the early results.
It's better to start with a dialogue about whether local boards of education and school districts are alerting students to options built into the policy, such as completing Algebra II over two years or via career technical courses. Under that policy, for instance, school districts are supposed to establish personal curriculum teams to evaluate options for students at risk of falling short of proficiency.
Given the length of some of the policy's fine print, it's a reasonable conclusion that many local boards and districts have only skimmed the surface of the option available to help struggling students. Maybe the tweak legislators should be examining is with the communications between the state Department of Education, school districts and boards, not the overall policy.
Focusing on that process first could keep the state from needlessly dummying-down one of the smartest steps Michigan has taken to retool its future.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Where is the outrage over DPS?
This is what doesn't make sense to me.
State regulators are investigating why it took the public utilities Detroit Edison and Consumers Energy days to restore power to 700,000 to 800,000 residents after recent storms. The Michigan Public Service Commission, its director said, "has an obligation to ensure that utilities are providing customers with reasonably reliable service."
The commission is holding public hearings this week across the state.
So, if somebody in Lansing is investigating the utilities, why isn't somebody in Lansing investigating the lost power in the Detroit Public Schools? The lights went out there nearly 10 years ago, and ever since, the district has stumbled around in the dark, fighting over contracts and jobs, while the kids suffer. Are the children not as important as melted ice cream and defrosted steaks?
A whole lot of nots
Dr. Connie Calloway, the new superintendent who has spent her first year digging through dirt and incompetence and traditions that don't make sense, revealed some startling news two weeks ago during an interview:
She confirmed what critics have known for some time, that DPS is not graduating nearly two-thirds of its students.
She confirmed that 22 of the city's 27 high schools did not make required annual yearly progress -- required progress.
She confirmed that DPS has been rife with such incompetence that students did not receive textbooks at the start of the year for 19 years.
She confirmed that the FBI investigation into DPS is not over.
And she confirmed that the district's budget is about the same as it was eight years ago, even though the number of employees and students has dropped by a third. In 2000, the district spent $1.2 billion to pay 21,203 employees to serve 154,648 students. Last school year, the district spent the same amount of money to pay 15,535 employees and serve 105,000 students. What is being done with the extra money?
After those revelations, parents did not march, teachers did not rally, and Detroit legislators did not hold news conferences to say enough is enough.
But when district officials announced that there might be teacher layoffs to offset a budget deficit that is $400 million counting this year and next, folks jumped up then. The teachers aren't wrong to protest. The district has so much fat and gristle it can cut plenty before it gets to teachers, including administrators -- especially administrators.
A call to action
So my question remains: Why is the state not investigating? How can a public entity be allowed to dysfunction for so long, turning out graduates who cannot read, students who cannot last more than a semester in college, or students who do not have the skills to work? I didn't need to read a study. I know some of these students. I worked with some of these students. I cried at night about some of these students.
Since the power outage debacle, I've seen TV commercials apologizing for the letdown. The school district has not apologized to children or parents or taxpayers. But when will elected officials in Lansing who keep throwing good money after bad on a dysfunctional district, stop turning their heads away from the problem -- like a car wreck they can't bear to watch -- and do something?
It just doesn't make sense.
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Kids are suffering in Detroit Public Schools mess
The e-mail could have been written by any suburbanites who responded to my column about the lack of outrage over the failing Detroit Public Schools.
The writer said there was no outrage because "the chips are all cashed in and there is NO hope left and people have stopped giving a rip. This is DPS -- it's over. Done. Stick a fork in it. Jesus Christ himself would have his hands full with that cesspool of failure, corruption and incompetence. Just need to find a way for the 900,000 left to speed to the exits in order to save their lives vs. being pawns to prop up a long failed institution so we can continue to pay the incompetents."
In my column, I asked why the state would investigate something as simple as a delay in getting power restored after massive storms, but would not investigate the dysfunction of the billion-dollar behemoth known as the DPS. The writer said:
"As for power outages we KNOW if we are outraged it WILL get fixed; even faster. We have hope; we know it will get better. We are way past outrage in DPS and Detroit city government in general. We are on to sickened, embarrassed and just plain tired of it all. We do not care what happens to DPS, we just hope it happens quickly rather than this slow blood loss to death; and that we rescue as many kids as possible from this burning building."
What about the children?
Here's the problem, dear readers, whether your kids study elsewhere or not, whether you think you have a stake in this or not: No one is rescuing the kids from the burning building. As a matter of fact, folks have stopped watching the building burn. It's like wildfires that take the houses in California. You know they're happening, and you're glad they're happening someplace else.
My question -- where is the outrage? -- wasn't meant to ask literally why people aren't outraged, dear readers. It was meant to spur outrage. It was meant to say: Get up! Stand up! These are children, for God's sake! How can anyone who is an advocate for children in Michigan just watch? If these children were puppies, there would be lines of cars and trucks from across the state to take them to safety.
What we would do for animals, we won't do for these children? And all because some Detroiters reject help from people who aren't black, aren't connected or aren't taking from that big ball of cheese known as the billion-dollar budget? Folks, it is time to move the cheese.
We need to act, now
DPS Superintendent Connie Calloway says her plans to reform the district have been hampered by discoveries of ineptitude, possible criminal behavior and the kind of bookkeeping and record-keeping that would require Internal Revenue Service help to figure out. Her critics say any good superintendent can multitask, cleaning up the bad while pushing the good.
While they fight, children suffer.
When these thousands of children leave a school district without graduating, without being able to read, without being able to be employed, they will take one of two roads -- hard lives one step ahead of abject poverty or the sinister methods of pursuing happiness.
Either way, our tax dollars will go to them. We better wake up!
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Model the Practice!

Model the Practice
FI3T Project PIs Meeting
June 25, 2008
12:30 – 2:30
SOE Conference Room 251
University of Michigan-Dearborn
1.0 Welcome
2.0 Summer Course
2.1 Room schedule and informing teachers
2.2 Hardware and software
2.3 Registration
2.4 Syllabus revisions
2.5 VLT site
3.0 Research and evaluation
3.1 Instruments for students
3.2 IRB application
4.0 Prep for Fall Semester
4.1 Kickoff – September
4.2 Student selection
4.3 Parental Involvement
4.4 Fall workshops - scheduling
5.0 Scheduling, questions and comments
5.1 August meeting
6.0 Others
7.0 Adjourn
Industry Tout says; "There's a bit of A PERFECT STORM going on." DUH!
Fewer students pursue computer-related degrees
AP Business Writer
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- Fewer college students are pursuing computer-related degrees at a time when demand is increasing and thousands of baby boomers are retiring from technical jobs.
The colliding trends have some business leaders worried that they won't find enough workers needed to maintain expected growth.
"There's a bit of a perfect storm going on," said Katherine Spencer Lee, executive director of Robert Half Technology, a California-based consulting and staffing service. "I do think it's serious and I do think we need to start at the elementary school level and get students talking about math and science."
Although a dearth of tech workers has been a problem before, the situation is now more dire because of soaring demand by a wide range of businesses, from tech companies like Microsoft to insurance companies and local hospitals.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 854,000 professional IT jobs will be added between 2006 and 2016, an increase of about 24 percent. When replacement jobs are added in, total IT job openings in the 10-year period is estimated at 1.6 million.
The bureau estimates that one in 19 new jobs created in the 10-year period will be professional IT positions.
"The fact remains that technology permeates all businesses now," said Lou Gellos, a spokesman for Microsoft Corp. "All companies have that person down the hall to help with computer issues."
Amid the growing demand, the number of students entering computer sciences and computer engineering fields at major universities is dropping.
The Computing Research Association's annual survey of universities with Ph.D.-granting programs found a 20 percent drop this year in students completing bachelors degrees in professional IT fields, continuing a trend seen for several years.
Enrollment in undergraduate degree programs in computer sciences is more than 50 percent lower than it was five years ago, the group said. Between 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 the number of new students declaring computer sciences as a major fell 43 percent to 8,021.
"We're definitely concerned around the fact that there's a talent shortage," said Cindy Nicola, vice president of talent acquisition for Electronic Arts Inc., a Redwood City, Calif.-based video game maker of "Madden NFL" and "The Sims."
In response to the problem, Nicola said the company has begun working more with colleges to aggressively recruit graduates, offer internships and help schools shape curriculum so graduates are better able to step immediately into jobs at the business.
The company offers up to 400 hands-on internships a year as well as perks like fitness centers, on-campus coffee shops, dry cleaning, dental services, haircuts, message therapists and game rooms. As a video game maker, it also has the advantage of being in a field that is appealing to many young graduates.
Still, Nicola said the top computer sciences engineers she's interviewed have at least five offers upon graduation and the competition for them is fierce.
Gellos said among the students earning bachelor's degrees in Washington state, only 14 percent are graduating with the skills the company needs.
"So that means for Microsoft at its home area in Redmond, Wash., 14 percent isn't going to cut it when it comes to the kinds of people we want to hire to work here, so we have to look in other places," he said.
Rockwell Collins Inc., a Cedar Rapids, Iowa-based maker of avionics, global positioning system and other electronic equipment for airline manufacturers, employs about 6,500 engineers and technical workers among its global work force of 20,000.
CEO Clay Jones said a shortage of those workers restrains growth and can damage customers relationships if projects are delayed.
"When you look at the relative availability of those people in the nation, we believe they're going to continue to be in demand and ultimately in short supply in the next three to five years," Jones said.
The company is reviewing salary and benefits and looking at the work environment, leadership development and diversity initiatives.
Rockwell Collins also is sending mentors into classrooms to work on robotics and rocketry projects in hopes of getting the students interested in future technology careers. Their efforts are part of a larger statewide program coordinated by the Technology Association of Iowa.
The Des Moines-based nonprofit organization recently rolled out a pilot program called HyperStream, a career awareness project aimed at students in grades 8-12.
"We've created a presentation that counters the misperceptions that are out there," said Leann Jacobson, the group's president. "Misperceptions that careers in technology are geeky and not cool, that this is a field that only guys go into."
Microsoft has begun working with teachers to hold annual math camps and has launched programs such as DigiGirlz High Tech Camps, designed to provide girls in the ninth to 12th grades a better understanding of technology careers. Girls listen to executive speakers, participate in technology tours and demonstrations, network, and learn with hands-on experience in workshops.
Microsoft has also lobbied state lawmakers to boost math requirements in schools and has promoted a Math Matters program to raise awareness in schools about raising the level of math understanding.
"Before this year students only needed to complete two years of math in high school," Gellos said. "The technology era has changed everything and that's not going to cut it for students today."
Professor Shankar Sastry, the dean of the College of Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley, said he has seen an uptick in the number of undergraduate applications in computer engineering in the past year. However, the university is enrolling no more students because of inadequate laboratory space and facilities to teach more.
He advocates a public/private partnership with major IT employers to provide the funding needed for a 10 percent increase in the number of students at 10 campuses in the UC system.
The California labor secretary has estimated that there will be a shortage of 25,000 technical workers in that state in the next seven years, and Sastry said such a partnership would solve about half of that problem.
"I think that if the CEOs of these major companies were to strike a partnership with the governor - and the governor has actually welcomed it - we would be able to create a fund to fuel the growth and this would be a win-win situation," Sastry said.
Failure to provide facilities to teach more students will only contribute to the shortage of IT workers, he said.
"The students will go someplace else and the companies will be left holding the bag," he said. "I think it's pretty time sensitive."
On the Net: Computing Research Association:
Technology Association of Iowa:
Rockwell Collins Inc.:
© 2008 The Associated Press.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Connect These DOTS!
Friday, June 20, 2008 Detroit Youth To Get Exposed To Cyber Security | |||
YPSILANTI- “ In July, Eastern Michigan Universitys Information Assurance program and the Institute for Geospatial Studies will host 60 Detroit High School youth in a National Science Foundation ITEST Grant Program that will expose them to GIS, Cyber Security, Network Security and Computer Forensics. The summer camp runs from July 20-25. EMU is looking for business partners to show employment opportunities on July 23 for a cook out. Tables will be available for any corporation that wishes to share employment opportunities. The NSA and Homeland security are partners and will be providing lectures on Sunday and Wednesday of the event. A National Science Foundation award is supporting a three-year project to develop the Detroit I-Test Youth Project. Collaborating with Eastern Michigan University in this broad-based, wide-ranging effort are the Detroit Public Schools, the City of Detroit Homeland Security and Emergency Management, and the Environmental System Research Institute, Inc. The project will provide two cohorts of 100 high school students from Detroit with training and hands-on practice in a variety of Information Technology management tools," says Project Director Yichun Xie of Geography and Geology and the EMU Institute for Geospatial Research and Education (IGRE). Other EMU people involved include Gerald "Skip" Lawver, Director of the EMU Center for Information Assurance, and Xiaolin Luo of IGRE, who is a doctoral student in the EMU College of Technology. "The program will leverage online learning environments, online mentoring and support activities, as well as direct face-to-face training to engage the students in STEM learning in an urban community-based problem-solving environment," says Xie. "This sort of far-reaching effort is especially needed for students in economically disadvantaged urban areas since they generally have few experiences with information technologies in real-world situations, especially for emergency and crisis management. "With advanced skills in IT applications, these urban youth will also have unlimited career opportunities. Furthermore, this program can serve as a model for empowering youth from any community to determine their own fortunes." The project is aimed at high school students in Detroit. The recruited students will receive about 250 hours of training and hands-on experience in IT and geographic information systems and technology (GIS/T) during a two-year period. They will also be trained in Information Assurance and Computer Emergency Response Team Operations, and serve a summer internship with a Detroit city department or contractor. "This project will have a profound impact on these high school students by creating cutting-edge career pathways for them, providing STEM learning opportunities, and opening linkages to college experiences," Xie says, summing up the project's significance. "The long-range effect will be very substantial." | |||
Author: Staff Writer Source: MITechNews.Com |
Friday, June 20, 2008
Informs Our Work in Progress (Michigan 26th)
For Immediate ReleaseJune 19, 2008
SAN DIEGO – Massachusetts, which just passed a $1-billion life sciences bill to invest in high-tech infrastructure and research and development over the next 10 years, is in the best position of any state to achieve high-quality economic growth thanks to its vast array of technology and science assets, a new Milken Institute study shows.
Massachusetts ranks first in the Milken Institute’s 2008 State Technology and Science Index, followed by Maryland, Colorado and California.
According to the report, regional competition for technology industries has increased since the last release of the Index in 2004. Not only are states vying with each other for human capital and resources, but countries like China and India are increasing the competition on a global level.
At the same time, the post-9/11 decrease in international graduate students and flat or decreased federal funding for research and development are applying negative pressure to states that are not making serious investments to build and retain these 21st century industries.
“States that have a vision and a plan for building and retaining high-wage jobs and viable industries are finding ways to invest in their science and technology assets,” said Ross DeVol, director of Regional Economics at the Milken Institute, and lead author of the study. “The changes in this year’s Index give a good measure of who is ahead in the increasing competition for scarce human capital and other resources needed for a successful industry.”
The states in the best position to succeed in the technology-led information age are (with 2004 rankings):
1) Massachusetts (1)
2) Maryland (4)
3) Colorado (3)
4) California (2)
5) Washington (6)
6) Virginia (5)
7) Connecticut (10)
8) Utah (9)
9) New Hampshire (12)
10) Rhode Island (11)
Massachusetts’s dominance in the rankings is related to its established strength in world-class research institutions, cutting-edge firms and its ability to leverage these assets in attracting and retaining a skilled work force. Massachusetts scores well ahead of the competition in these areas.
“This report is great news for Massachusetts and reflects our continuing commitment to the best science and technology,” said Gov. Deval Patrick. “We know that to compete and win in a global economy we need a work force skilled in these areas.”
Maryland moved up from fourth in this year’s ranking, thanks to strong positions across the many indicators used by the Institute. In particular, the report cited an improvement in the ability to attract business into the state and new projects that link research institutions with industry to produce the most advanced products.
“With strong partnerships between the public and private sectors, and collaborative research with universities, federal and commercial partners, we have been able to create a strong technology industry in Maryland,” said Gov. Martin O’Malley. “The results of the Milken Institute study are further evidence that Maryland is highly and increasingly competitive in drawing, retaining, and growing technology-based businesses.”
Colorado held its position in third place, just under Maryland’s score. California, however, slipped from second place to fourth and, according to the report, shows signs of faltering in its efforts to capture federal funding and build its future work force.
In particular, the report said the decline in “standardized test scores and a low proportion of its population with bachelor’s degrees” could significantly hamper the ability to provide a skilled work force to take advantage of its financial and industrial strength.
Several states made dramatic improvements in the update of the Index. North Dakota showed the greatest gains, moving up 14 positions to 31st. This rise is due in large part to a state initiative to develop “Centers of Excellence,” which was implemented in 2004. The state provides matching funds to universities and colleges that join the program and commit to regional development in science and technology.
Other big movers in the Index are Hawaii, up 11 spots to 28th, and Alabama, which moved up seven positions. On the other hand, Mississippi has the dubious position of being ranked 50th again and West Virginia slid from 46th to 49th place.
Because states can no longer succeed with a low-skill, low-cost economic development formula, they must compete globally on the basis of new ideas, new products and new markets, along with superior productivity growth, the report states.
The future will belong to those regions that can develop a thriving technology industry in a wide variety of fast-growing fields including biotech, clean technology, nanotechnology, communications and next-generation computer applications.
The Index takes an objective measure of just how prepared each state is to take advantage of these opportunities.
The 2008 State Technology and Science Index looks at 77 unique indicators that are categorized into five major components: Research and Development Inputs, Risk Capital and Entrepreneurial Infrastructure, Human Capital Investment, Technology and Science Work Force, and Technology Concentration and Dynamism.
It is one of the most comprehensive examinations of state technology and science assets ever compiled. A companion report that offers an in-depth look at California’s technology and science industry is also available. The study was made possible in part through the generous support of Goodwin Procter LLP.
Complete rankings (including interactive tables and maps) for all fifty states are available here.
The full reports are available here.
-->ContactJennifer Manfrè, Associate Director of Communications(310) 570-4623E-mail:>
About the Institute: The Milken Institute is a nonprofit, independent economic think tank whose mission is to improve the lives and economic conditions of diverse populations around the world by helping business and public policy leaders identify and implement innovative ideas for creating broad-based prosperity. It is based in Santa Monica, CA. (
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Emerging Technology Could Drive Interest in STEM Careers! Who knew?
By Cathleen Richardson
What do we really know about today’s youth? As educators, do we truly understand how they think, learn, communicate, and socialize? As if you didn’t know by now, they don’t perform any of the aforementioned skills in any manner like the youth of years past. Our students live in a digital world, altered by ever-changing technology. The youth of today can instant message on their laptop, talk on a cell phone, play a video game wirelessly with a friend down the street and chew bubble gum - all at the same time.
These "Screenagers" are undeniably different. They are authors of blogs, designers of web sites, and developers of ring tones. They have created an entire language of their own using abbreviated terms such as LOL (laugh out loud), BRB (be right back), POS (parent over the shoulder), MIRL (meet in real life) and BTDT (been there, done that). The bottom line is that these students learn and comprehend in a way that is foreign to many of us, and, as a result, they often feel disconnected from traditional teachers and schools of yesteryear.
Digital students are goal-oriented and able to pursue multiple outcomes at the same time. This generation of 21st Century learners can absorb a great deal of information at super-charged speed whether it is transmitted via a cell phone, television, the Internet, or MP3 player.
Digital students are masters of varying types of technology. These students are always connected with their peers and the world through technology. The digital generation has unknowingly incorporated 21st Century skills into their day-to-day lives by becoming innovators, creative designers, critical thinkers, collaborators, and complex problem-solvers.
While these students are having fun, they are also learning.
At a recent conference, Terry Jones, founder and former CEO of told the audience a fascinating story. His son, a digital native, co-created a now popular computer game called “Day of Defeat” with four students from the United States, five from Europe and one from Canada. Interestingly, they never met! They collaborated and created this game solely via email and chat interactions.
Digital students are determined, focused on success and creators of their own destiny. This knowledge forces us to pause, ponder and then pose a series of additional questions. According to Speak Up, an online research project, which annually surveys K-12 students, teachers, parents, and school administrators, these are some key educational questions educators should be focusing on:
- What are the benefits of emerging technologies such as mobile devices, gaming in education, online learning and open education resources?
- What would happen if emerging technology were used to get students interested in STEM careers?
- What are the barriers/challenges to using technology?
The reality is that many schools aren’t ready or willing to address these questions. The traditional educational view of drill and practice and test taking is a difficult concept to abandon or reconsider for many educators. This is where the disconnect begins. Alan November, a recognized leader in the field of educational technology, lists on his website comments from workshop attendees on the future of education.
One workshop participant stated, “Hope can overcome fear when barriers are torn down, by allowing students to engage in a forum they are comfortable they take ownership of their learning and the teachers will be willing to change from the role of information giver to facilitator.”
Now that we know more about the digital generation, is it possible as educators that we need to rethink who we are? We must re-evaluate the practice of teaching and learning and equip our students with the necessary tools to help them advance in this digital age. Acknowledging who these students are and meeting them on their current playing field will bridge the digital gap and connect us all to the 21st Century.
John Dewey, a well-known educational reformer, says it best, “If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.”
Next, we’ll delve more into the minds of this digital generation and explore what experts say about this extraordinary group of learners.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Update: 21st Century Schools Fund Legislation
21st Century Schools Fund could rescue failing districts
We liked Gov. Jennifer Granholm's 21st Century Schools Fund when she first proposed it in February. We like it even better now that a strong measure of accountability has been built in.
The proposal would provide $300 million to create small, responsive schools that will be required to graduate 80 percent of their students or lose their state funding.
The state Legislature should support the idea, with these conditions: The proposal must provide funding to innovative public charter school operators, an idea Granholm says she supports, and the accountability should have legal teeth. Legislators should build the 80 percent graduation requirement into state law and not leave enforcement to the discretion of the state school superintendent.
Lawmakers are being lobbied by the teachers union to strip charter schools of eligibility to participate in the program. That would be a serious mistake.
After all, the fund is largely modeled after charters. It's strikingly similar to Detroit's University Prep Academy, which promises to graduate 90 percent of its students. Such an outcomes-based approach is needed in Michigan schools.
Granholm's program would provide both the incentive and the funding for failing schools to transform. A bipartisan panel developed the program's guidelines. Eligible schools would have to be small, with no more than 450 students, and give principals full control of staffing decisions.
What's most noteworthy is its accountability mechanism. Only schools that graduate 80 percent of their students would be eligible to keep the $3 million grants, which could be used for breaking mammoth high schools into smaller ones or other education innovations. Schools that don't meet the graduation standard would have to pay back half of the money.
That sort of accountability is unheard of in state government.
Only schools with graduation rates of 65 percent or lower -- or academies located in such low-achieving neighborhoods -- would be eligible.
Last week the bill moved to the state Senate, where Appropriations Chairman Ron Jelinek, R-Three Oaks, is threatening to kill it, calling small schools no panacea. Jelinek seems to be missing the education crisis in Michigan, in which fewer than 75 percent of students graduate from high school and in urban districts fewer than one-third.
What we're doing now isn't working. The small schools model has shown success elsewhere and deserves a chance. So far, Jelinek hasn't offered a better idea for rescuing children who are being failed by the state's public schools.
The 21st Century Schools Fund is more than about size. Its principal-controlled schools would root out under-performing teachers. And the funding would give districts powerful leverage in seeking teacher union contract changes.
The 21st Century Schools Fund marks the sort of dramatic change Michigan needs to address the unacceptable failure of its public schools.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Disrupting Class! (Finally Publishes) Informs Our Understanding or Merely Poppycock?
A crash course in the business of learning-from the bestselling author of The Innovator's Dilemma and The Innovator's Solution…
“A brilliant teacher, Christensen brings clarity to a muddled and chaotic world of education.”
-Jim Collins, bestselling author of Good to Great
According to recent studies in neuroscience, the way we learn doesn't always match up with the way we are taught. If we hope to stay competitive-academically, economically, and technologically-we need to rethink our understanding of intelligence, reevaluate our educational system, and reinvigorate our commitment to learning. In other words, we need “disruptive innovation.”
Now, in his long-awaited new book, Clayton M. Christensen and coauthors Michael B. Horn and Curtis W. Johnson take one of the most important issues of our time-education-and apply Christensen's now-famous theories of “disruptive” change using a wide range of real-life examples. Whether you're a school administrator, government official, business leader, parent, teacher, or entrepreneur, you'll discover surprising new ideas, outside-the-box strategies, and straight-A success stories.
You'll learn how
Customized learning will help many more students succeed in school
Student-centric classrooms will increase the demand for new technology
Computers must be disruptively deployed to every student
Disruptive innovation can circumvent roadblocks that have prevented other attempts at school reform
We can compete in the global classroom-and get ahead in the global market
Filled with fascinating case studies, scientific findings, and unprecedented insights on how innovation must be managed, Disrupting Class will open your eyes to new possibilities, unlock hidden potential, and get you to think differently. Professor Christensen and his coauthors provide a bold new lesson in innovation that will help you make the grade for years to come.
The future is now. Class is in session.
Biographical note
Clayton M. Christensen is the Robert and Jane Cizik Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School. He is author or coauthor of five books including the New York Times bestsellers The Innovator's Dilemma and The Innovator's Solution.
Michael B. Hornis a cofounder and Executive Director of Innosight Institute. He holds an AB from Yale and an MBA from Harvard.
Curtis W. Johnson is a writer and consultant who has served as a college president, head of a public policy research organization, and chief of staff to governor Arne Carlson of Minnesota. Johnson and his colleagues were among the early proponents of what has become the chartered school movement.
Back cover copy
“After a barrage of business books that purport to 'fix' American education, at last a book that speaks thoughtfully and imaginatively about what genuinely individualized education canbe like and how to bring it about.”-Howard Gardner, author of Five Minds for the Future
“A decade ago, Clayton Christensen wrote a masterpiece, The Innovator's Dilemma, that transformed the way business looks at innovation. Now, he and two collaborators, Michael B. Horn and Curtis W. Johnson, have come up with another, focusing his groundbreaking theories of disruptive innovation on education."-David Gergen, US Presidential Advisor
“Clayton Christensen's insights just might shake many of us in education out of our complacency and into a long needed disruptive discourse about really fixing our schools. This will be a welcome change after decades in which powerful calls to action have resulted in only marginal improvements for our nation's school children.”-Vicki Phillips, director of Education, Gates Foundation
“Full of strategies that are both bold and doable, this brilliant and seminal book shows how we can utilize technology to customize learning. I recommend it most enthusiastically.”-Adam Urbanski, president of the Rochester (NY) Teachers Association, and vice president of the American Federation of Teachers
"Finally we have a book from the business community that gets it. Disrupting Class from Clayton Christensen and colleagues points out that motivation is central to learning and that if schools and learning are to be transformed as they must be, motivation must be at the center of the work. They also point out how technology should be used to personalize learning and what the future might look like for schools. A must read for anyone thinking and worrying about where education should be headed."-Paul Houston, Executive Director, American Association of School Administrators
“Powerful, proven strategies for moving education from stagnation to evolution.”-Christopher Dede, Timothy E. Wirth Professor in Learning Technologies, Harvard Graduate School of Education
“Clayton Christensen and colleagues describe how disruptive technologies will personalize and, as a result, revolutionize learning. Every education leader should read this book, set aside their next staff meeting to discuss it, and figure out how they can be part of the improvement wave to come.”-Tom Vander Ark, President, X PRIZE Foundation
“In Disrupting Class, Christensen, Horn and Johnson argue that the next round of innovation in school reform will involve learning software. While schools have resisted integrating technology for instruction, today's students are embracing technology in their everyday lives. This book offers promise to education reformers.”-Kathleen McCartney, Dean, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Monday, June 9, 2008
State Superintendent: On Change, Monsters, Technology and apparent alignment to our purpose!
By John Bebow - June 6, 2008
By Mike Flanagan
State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Forget that we have nothing to fear but fear itself.
We have nothing to fear but fear of change.
Michigan has begun its ascent to the top of the world's job chain with the most rigorous high school graduation requirements, an aggressive worker training program, and a growing realization that we need more college graduates in the high-demand careers of the 21st Century.
Education is the key to Michigan's economic future. But it is the future's education that takes us from the system we’ve had over the past millennium and prepares our state for not only greatness, but survival.
But change is difficult for those who are entrenched in the current system. That attitude may serve them, but it certainly doesn’t serve our students or state.
Michigan's new high school graduation requirements, called the Michigan Merit Curriculum, are heralded as groundbreaking, and were strongly supported by the education associations in Michigan, the State Board of Education, and state Legislature before Governor Jennifer Granholm enacted the new law in 2006.
The new law ensures that all Michigan students receive the high quality education they need and deserve, no matter what future career path they choose. The knowledge that students gain with the Michigan Merit Curriculum is needed today whether they go on to a post-secondary program or directly into the workplace after high school.
There is a campaign being waged to weaken and water down these new graduation requirements. It is a campaign based upon a fear of change.
Those who are unwilling to change claim that all kids aren't going on to college and don't need to take higher level math and science studies. They claim that thousands more high school students will drop out. They claim that school shouldn't be taught in "cookie-cutter" fashion. These claims are alarmist and are no way based in fact, and only meant to monger and perpetuate the fear and ignorance of change.
There is no need to alter the new high school graduation requirements. There is flexibility built into the law that addresses the needs of all students. The law allows for flexible schedules and support programs for students to learn the requirements through programs outside of the traditional courses. They can earn the graduation credits in a Career and Technical program, in an Early College program that is career focused, or in numerous other programs. The law also allows for a flexible pathway for Students with Disabilities, through a Personal Curriculum plan.
We want a Michigan high school diploma to mean that every student has received a bona fide high quality education upon which employers can understand and depend. We want a Michigan high school diploma to mean something, and that is globally competitive.
That is why we must resist every effort to wilt and water down our nationally-renowned graduation standards.
The key to success in this drive to the top is the willingness to accept the need to change. We can’t keep doing what we’ve always done and expect different outcomes.
For this rigorous curriculum to work, we need to retrofit our education system. We need a system that meets the needs of ALL students, in a manner that meets their needs and the needs of employers. Governor Granholm has proposed a 21st Century Schools Fund to develop small, more personal high schools that build the relationships that accentuate the relevance of the curriculum.
Accelerated technology sweeps over our society at a dizzying pace. Why do some students have the advantages of these technologies and others don’t? Why don't we have technology steering classroom instruction in our schools? If they are going to be using advancing technology in the workplace, shouldn't they be learning with it in school? Students use hand-held technology in every part of their daily lives except in education. No wonder they are bored in school.
The classroom of the past 50-plus years no longer is relevant to today's students – even as young as pre-Kindergarten. Recent studies reveal that it is a lack of real-life relevance in our schools that is frustrating our high school students and giving them a hopeless reason to drop out. We need to re-design how we deliver education, from early childhood through post-secondary, and we need to do it quickly and collaboratively.
Is this new curriculum really the monster under the bed? Or is it a fear of change on the part of some educators who don't want to take on the challenge of teaching every student in their school? Or is it parents who struggled in school and don’t feel their kids need it. Well, all kids do need it. I am convinced that all kids can learn algebra and chemistry, just like they can learn how to write grammatically correct and understand how their government works.
To overcome this fear, we need school administrators working with teachers—working with higher education—working with business—working with parents—working with private foundations to configure an education system that is inclusive, relevant, rigorous, accountable, and flexible enough to reach every child in Michigan.
This ultimate reform will need courage to succeed. Long-standing differences need to be put aside. Staunch, long-held beliefs need to be buried. Turf battles need to selflessly collapse. The only special interest group that matters is the students.
Something to be Mindful of....
Hello, knowledge entrepreneur
By Art Murray - Posted May 30, 2008
Whenever I use the term knowledge worker, I am often told that the term is "so last-century, so industrial-age." I must admit, it certainly doesn’t sound appropriate when referring to the Enterprise of the Future. In fact, it’s becoming obvious that the very notion of a job is falling by the wayside, especially in organizations where knowledge-intensive activities are performed. Regardless of whether or not you have designs on starting your own business, you should, no, make that must, start viewing yourself as a knowledge entrepreneur: the leader of your own, knowledge-based micro-enterprise.
The changing global economy
You could almost call it a clash of civilizations: capitalism vs. socialism, big corporations vs. big government. As we make the transition to the Enterprise of the Future, big anything will likely fade into history. This is happening in part because the underlying assumptions that gave us economies of scale, and drove us to a large, mass production paradigm, are crumbling. The result is the return to smaller, more localized and more sustainable means of production.
At the forefront of this trend is a new breed of entrepreneur, known as the knowledge entrepreneur. This remarkable person locates undiscovered or underused knowledge assets online, organizes them and applies them to fulfill a need. The goal is to deliver the greatest possible benefit to society, while rewarding all stakeholders and generating enough additional wealth to sustain the process in a continually changing environment. The new knowledge entrepreneur seeks to balance sustainable growth with social responsibility, truly the best of both worlds.
According to the Billion Minds Foundation, the socially responsible knowledge entrepreneur has the following recognizable traits:
- challenges the status quo;
- inspires a shared vision and mobilizes the means to effect needed change;
- operates where local, national and global markets cannot, because the financial risks are too great, but seeks those areas because the potential for social impact is the greatest;
- invests in developing global knowledge-based industries and clusters; and
- retools with new value-added skills and experience to become competitive in the global knowledge economy.
Your personal transformation process
You need to create and deliver value, and receive value in exchange ... which means you need a personal business model. The value you receive has to be enough not only to sustain yourself, but also to enable you to grow. Just like any company, you need to reinvest a portion of your income in personal R&D.
In addition, you will need to focus on maintaining and growing your personal customer relationship management (CRM) system. If companies like are purchased for over a half-billion dollars primarily to acquire lists of users within a targeted demographic, shouldn’t you be developing and nurturing your own list of clients, peers, suppliers and partners?
Similarly, you’ll need a personal mini-enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Thinking like an entrepreneur means managing and leveraging your personal asset inventory: knowledge, skills, finances, relationships, tools and the like. Think asset creation and valuation, just like a Silicon Valley venture capitalist.
You’ll need a business process management (BPM) system. How efficient are your personal processes? How well do you manage your time? Your use of e-mail and technology? How do you measure your personal efficiency and effectiveness? Too many working professionals waste valuable time and energy worrying about losing their jobs to outsourcing, instead of looking for ways to beat back the competition by producing higher quality work with greater efficiency and effectiveness.
In fact, the same four pillars we’ve discussed at length with respect to the Enterprise of the Future—leadership, organization, learning and technology—apply equally to the knowledge entrepreneur:
- Leadership: Take control of your destiny. Look for strategic opportunities and capitalize on them.
- Organization: Organize your work processes and network with others who can augment what you do. Create micro-networks of small, agile teams of like-minded individuals who can quickly respond to opportunities in a mutually beneficial way.
- Learning: Be a source of learning for others, by coaching and mentoring, and seek out others to help you grow in the same way. Never, ever, stop learning, innovating, growing and creating value.
- Technology: Articles about Web 2.0 in the April issue of KMWorld are a good place to start. The playing field in technology is not only leveling, it’s getting as smooth as glass. Ride it!
A multibillion-mind world
Knowledge entrepreneurship and socially responsible investment are the keys to creating a sustainable economy of billions of minds. This cannot be left to chance. Rather, it requires the collaborative engagement of the world’s most enlightened thought leaders, businesses, governments, universities, non-profit institutions and investors. And you.
As a knowledge entrepreneur, you can join in co-creating the latest breakthroughs by acquiring, sharing, growing and using knowledge for the benefit of society. Now doesn’t that sound a lot more exciting than being referred to as a knowledge worker?Monday, June 2, 2008
URC (University Research Corridor) Emerges!
Top schools can boost state with research power
June 2, 2008
Ever heard of the URC?
Didn't think so, but certainly everyone in Michigan and much of the world beyond has heard of the state's three largest universities, Michigan State, the University of Michigan and Wayne State University.
Well, the URC is all three, working together in the University Research Corridor, creating through cooperation one of the big keys to Michigan's economic future. The universities have always mattered, but their combined effort can matter far more -- generating ideas that can become marketable products, drawing millions of research dollars, and attracting talent with the kind of limitless vision that Michigan so desperately needs.
This is not to minimize the substantial contributions the state's other universities make to their communities and the economy. All the institutions are turning out the workforce that can change Michigan's financial and cultural complexion.
But the Big Three combined are a powerhouse to be regarded on par with the industrial mainstays that built Michigan.
Their leaders spent last week stressing the collective value of the URC and its even greater potential for the Michigan business and political leaders who were gathered on Mackinac Island for the Detroit Regional Chamber's annual policy conference. Together, the schools make a strong case, as evidenced by a report released Thursday detailing their contributions in just one key area, alternative energy.
The URC -- which has some work to do to establish itself in the public mind as a consortium on par with, say, the university-based Research Triangle Park that has transformed North Carolina's economy and image -- garnered almost $80 million in research grants for alternative energy projects in 2007. The report prepared for the URC by Anderson Economic Group said that more than half the grants the schools received were focused on fuels, propulsion or power, all integral to the future of the automotive industry.
These ranged from biomass conversion at MSU, to a U-M project to develop a solar film that can be applied like spray paint, to WSU efforts to combine wind, solar and fuel-cell technology into new power-generation systems.
"We think we are an asset that can be leveraged more," said U-M President Mary Sue Coleman. That's not just a plea for more money in an era of declining state support. It's a call for inclusion in all of Michigan's economic development strategies. Indeed, with these institutions around, why would the state consider investing in, seeding or offering incentives for any idea without bouncing it off the URC to see what role the schools can play?
The university presidents are trying to topple the ivory towers of academia and get their good, smart people on the front lines of Michigan's economic battle. They have the intellectual resources. They have a commitment that can be a model for the rest of Michigan to eschew turf battles in favor of working together for the common good.
To whatever extent the political will can be mustered and the financial resources marshaled, this is an effort that the state as a whole must optimize and encourage.
21st Century Small High Schools and Renewable Energy Initiatives
Gov Asks For Small High Schools, Renewable Power Standard
Gov. Jennifer Granholm offered business a share of the savings in a plan to reduce the number of state prison inmates in her speech Friday at the Detroit Regional Chamber's Mackinac Policy Conference.
And she proposed a "21st Century School Fund" to create 100 small, academically challenging high schools across the state.
Granholm began by reviewing Michigan's economic challenge -- the loss of 330,000 manufacturing jobs since 2000 as part of a national flight of manufacturing jobs overseas, and Big Three market share falling from 70 percent in 1990 to 45 percent today.
But she also pointed to dozens of big investments in the state in recent years by companies in her targeted areas of alternative energy, the life sciences, advanced manufacturing and homeland security. And she touted her continuing overseas investment missions, especially alternative energy efforts in Sweden.
Granholm said she was asking the Legislature and the crowd at Mackinac to back three initiatives -- the 21sts Century School Fund, a mandate that 10 percent of the state's power must come from renewable sources by 2015, and the prison reform plan.
Granholm said the small high school plan is part of an overall effort to "attack, declare war, on the dropout problem." She said Michigan "must replace those large, impersonal high schools that fail with small, challenging high schools that work." She also backed more "middle colleges," five-year high schools that graduate their students with an associate's degree or other usable career credential. She said the 21st Century Schools Fund would require no new taxes, only a redirection of existing revenue.
More broadly, Granholm said of education, the state needs to flip education on its head to meet the needs of employers. "We don't want people to get degrees in French or political science," she said. "Those are my degrees, so I can say that. We want people to get degrees in areas we need," such as health care.
Granholm also asked -- as she did last year -- for the renewable energy standard, which has been tied up in the Legislature over complaints that it remonopolizes the state's electric market, and doesn't go far enough to mandate renewable energy.
However, Granholm said the lack of the standard means Michigan is losing out on massive investments that are occurring elsewhere in renewable energy.
Granholm also touted her record as a cost-cutter, pointing out that she's cut more out of state budgets than any Michigan governor in history, that Michigan is now 46th in state employees per capita, and that the state is leading the nation in putting state business online.
But she said one area of state government is skyrocketing in staff and costs: corrections. She said Michigan's corrections staff has grown from 5 percent of state employment to more than 20 percent, and that Michigan incarcerates its citizens at a rate far higher than its neighbors -- with no appreciable effect on crime rates.
Granholm, a former prosecutor, said that "I will not allow violent criminals to be released into society, period." But she said there are ways to trim the prison population by selectively releasing low-risk inmates. And she proposed sharing any savings on a one-third basis between law enforcement, higher education and a reduction in the Michigan Business Tax surcharge.
In opening her speech, Granholm joked about her recent surgery for bowel obstruction, saying she pleaded with the doctor not to use the word "bowel" in public comments, and that state Republicans were in no way responsible for the "obstruction." And, she said, the last thing she remembered before the anesthesia took her under was her surgeon saying, "You know, I'm a Republican..."
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Sunday, June 1, 2008
Science and the ART of Transformation!
Put a Little Science in Your Life
A COUPLE of years ago I received a letter from an American soldier in Iraq. The letter began by saying that, as we’ve all become painfully aware, serving on the front lines is physically exhausting and emotionally debilitating. But the reason for his writing was to tell me that in that hostile and lonely environment, a book I’d written had become a kind of lifeline. As the book is about science — one that traces physicists’ search for nature’s deepest laws — the soldier’s letter might strike you as, well, odd.
But it’s not. Rather, it speaks to the powerful role science can play in giving life context and meaning. At the same time, the soldier’s letter emphasized something I’ve increasingly come to believe: our educational system fails to teach science in a way that allows students to integrate it into their lives.
Allow me a moment to explain.
When we consider the ubiquity of cellphones, iPods, personal computers and the Internet, it’s easy to see how science (and the technology to which it leads) is woven into the fabric of our day-to-day activities. When we benefit from CT scanners, M.R.I. devices, pacemakers and arterial stents, we can immediately appreciate how science affects the quality of our lives. When we assess the state of the world, and identify looming challenges like climate change, global pandemics, security threats and diminishing resources, we don’t hesitate in turning to science to gauge the problems and find solutions.
And when we look at the wealth of opportunities hovering on the horizon — stem cells, genomic sequencing, personalized medicine, longevity research, nanoscience, brain-machine interface, quantum computers, space technology — we realize how crucial it is to cultivate a general public that can engage with scientific issues; there’s simply no other way that as a society we will be prepared to make informed decisions on a range of issues that will shape the future.
These are the standard — and enormously important — reasons many would give in explaining why science matters.
But here’s the thing. The reason science really matters runs deeper still. Science is a way of life. Science is a perspective. Science is the process that takes us from confusion to understanding in a manner that’s precise, predictive and reliable — a transformation, for those lucky enough to experience it, that is empowering and emotional. To be able to think through and grasp explanations — for everything from why the sky is blue to how life formed on earth — not because they are declared dogma but rather because they reveal patterns confirmed by experiment and observation, is one of the most precious of human experiences.
As a practicing scientist, I know this from my own work and study. But I also know that you don’t have to be a scientist for science to be transformative. I’ve seen children’s eyes light up as I’ve told them about black holes and the Big Bang. I’ve spoken with high school dropouts who’ve stumbled on popular science books about the human genome project, and then returned to school with newfound purpose. And in that letter from Iraq, the soldier told me how learning about relativity and quantum physics in the dusty and dangerous environs of greater Baghdad kept him going because it revealed a deeper reality of which we’re all a part.
It’s striking that science is still widely viewed as merely a subject one studies in the classroom or an isolated body of largely esoteric knowledge that sometimes shows up in the “real” world in the form of technological or medical advances. In reality, science is a language of hope and inspiration, providing discoveries that fire the imagination and instill a sense of connection to our lives and our world.
If science isn’t your strong suit — and for many it’s not — this side of science is something you may have rarely if ever experienced. I’ve spoken with so many people over the years whose encounters with science in school left them thinking of it as cold, distant and intimidating. They happily use the innovations that science makes possible, but feel that the science itself is just not relevant to their lives. What a shame.
Like a life without music, art or literature, a life without science is bereft of something that gives experience a rich and otherwise inaccessible dimension.
It’s one thing to go outside on a crisp, clear night and marvel at a sky full of stars. It’s another to marvel not only at the spectacle but to recognize that those stars are the result of exceedingly ordered conditions 13.7 billion years ago at the moment of the Big Bang. It’s another still to understand how those stars act as nuclear furnaces that supply the universe with carbon, oxygen and nitrogen, the raw material of life as we know it.
And it’s yet another level of experience to realize that those stars account for less than 4 percent of what’s out there — the rest being of an unknown composition, so-called dark matter and energy, which researchers are now vigorously trying to divine.
As every parent knows, children begin life as uninhibited, unabashed explorers of the unknown. From the time we can walk and talk, we want to know what things are and how they work — we begin life as little scientists. But most of us quickly lose our intrinsic scientific passion. And it’s a profound loss.
A great many studies have focused on this problem, identifying important opportunities for improving science education. Recommendations have ranged from increasing the level of training for science teachers to curriculum reforms.
But most of these studies (and their suggestions) avoid an overarching systemic issue: in teaching our students, we continually fail to activate rich opportunities for revealing the breathtaking vistas opened up by science, and instead focus on the need to gain competency with science’s underlying technical details.
In fact, many students I’ve spoken to have little sense of the big questions those technical details collectively try to answer: Where did the universe come from? How did life originate? How does the brain give rise to consciousness? Like a music curriculum that requires its students to practice scales while rarely if ever inspiring them by playing the great masterpieces, this way of teaching science squanders the chance to make students sit up in their chairs and say, “Wow, that’s science?”
In physics, just to give a sense of the raw material that’s available to be leveraged, the most revolutionary of advances have happened in the last 100 years — special relativity, general relativity, quantum mechanics — a symphony of discoveries that changed our conception of reality. More recently, the last 10 years have witnessed an upheaval in our understanding of the universe’s composition, yielding a wholly new prediction for what the cosmos will be like in the far future.
These are paradigm-shaking developments. But rare is the high school class, and rarer still is the middle school class, in which these breakthroughs are introduced. It’s much the same story in classes for biology, chemistry and mathematics.
At the root of this pedagogical approach is a firm belief in the vertical nature of science: you must master A before moving on to B. When A happened a few hundred years ago, it’s a long climb to the modern era. Certainly, when it comes to teaching the technicalities — solving this equation, balancing that reaction, grasping the discrete parts of the cell — the verticality of science is unassailable.
But science is so much more than its technical details. And with careful attention to presentation, cutting-edge insights and discoveries can be clearly and faithfully communicated to students independent of those details; in fact, those insights and discoveries are precisely the ones that can drive a young student to want to learn the details. We rob science education of life when we focus solely on results and seek to train students to solve problems and recite facts without a commensurate emphasis on transporting them out beyond the stars.
Science is the greatest of all adventure stories, one that’s been unfolding for thousands of years as we have sought to understand ourselves and our surroundings. Science needs to be taught to the young and communicated to the mature in a manner that captures this drama. We must embark on a cultural shift that places science in its rightful place alongside music, art and literature as an indispensable part of what makes life worth living.
It’s the birthright of every child, it’s a necessity for every adult, to look out on the world, as the soldier in Iraq did, and see that the wonder of the cosmos transcends everything that divides us.
Brian Greene, a professor of physics at Columbia, is the author of “The Elegant Universe” and “The Fabric of the Cosmos.”