Saturday, September 27, 2008

Meeting: PI's Monday, September 29, 2008 5:00PM

FI3T Project PIs Meeting

September 29, 2008
5:00 – 7:00 pm
SOE Conference Room 251
Fairlane Center South (FCS)
University of Michigan-Dearborn


1.0 Welcome

2.0 Kickoff
2.1 Finalize Agenda
2.1.1 Speakers
2.2 Attendees
2.2.1 Students
2.2.2 Parents
2.2.3 Representatives from Partnering Institutions

3.0 Fall Workshops and Seminar
3.1 Schedule
3.2 Activities
3.2.1 Students
3.2.2 Parents
3.3 Transportation
3.4 Refreshments

4.0 Research/evaluation tools for students
4.1 Students surveys / questionnaires
4.2 Orientation for teachers: Survey Administration

5.0 Hardware and software for students

6.0 Summer Course Evaluation

7.0 Dissemination activities

7.1 SITE 2009 Conference

8.0 Scheduling, questions and comments

9.0 Others



FI3T Project PIs Meeting

September 29, 2008
5:00 – 7:00 pm
SOE Conference Room 251
Fairlane Center South (FCS)
University of Michigan-Dearborn



Mesut Duran
Anya Leavy
Bruce Elenbogen
Dan Lawson
Brahim Medjahed
Margret Höft
Elsayed Orady
Christine Schneider
Mark Jenness
Ermelda Polk
Nadine Tibbs-Stallworth
Shedrick Ward
Silas Williams
Sharon Holloway
21st Century:
Jim Ross
John Iras

Kickoff (Finalize Agenda)

- Alternate speaker for Dr. Duran if there should be an emergency will be either Dr. Höft or Dr. Medjahed
- Need to get pictures from DPS staff members
- Need to create a PowerPoint slide show that scrolls through during registration period.
- Dr. Duran to introduce the program at the beginning for approximately 5 minutes.
- The Dean will say a few words.
- Dr. Ward will then speak.
- Need to identify a student and teacher speaker.
- Put folders into plastic bags from UMD.

Attendees (Students, Parents, Representatives from Partnering Institutions)
-DPS Music Band – there is a quartet that will be in attendance and play for the kickoff. They are confirmed.
- Nametags are to include DPS Logo – the one from the poster.

Fall Workshops and Seminar

-Dr. Ward – please include a one sheet summary of when and where all workshops and seminars will take place in the student packs.
-Need to supply some sort of overview (syllabus) of each workshop to the students ahead of time.
-Math – Oct 25, Nov 1st 9-12 @ UMD math lab
-We need to have a finalized schedule by this Thursday, Oct. 2.

(Students, Parents)
-Targeted – 2 days for parent workshops.
*Communication channel – until the parents are comfortable using technology, students and parents will communicate with teachers.
*Create a communication hierarchy sheet for students – an organizational flow chart.

-Mr. Williams has 8 students that need transportation. Arrangements need to be made for this by Dr. Ward/Nadine. The grant will pay for bus.
-Bagels, coffee, water, etc. will be available in the mornings for breakfast on Saturdays.
-If a whole day, lunch will be provided. Team leaders – please let Mesut or Christine know what you need so we can make the arrangements ahead of time.
-Plan on beginning of December for Seminar/Holiday get together.
-A winter schedule for workshops should be distributed to students/parents at this time.
-At this point, every student must identify two of the four STEM areas in which they are interested in.

Research/evaluation tools for students

Student surveys / questionnaires
-Need to get these completed prior to first workshop on Oct 25th. Have them work as a team to complete them.
-These are important so we can report to NSF.
-What do we do if some students leave the program and others replace them?
-Mark is to get with Dr. Ward to figure out the dates and coordinate getting these completed.

*The other remaining teachers that are not part of the 5 lead are questioning what is happening. Need to schedule an informational session for them to get them up to speed.

Orientation for teachers: Survey Administration

Hardware and software for students
-Equipment is distributed in the schools. Renaissance HS is the only school that has not had delivery of equipment.
-Not all of the units from the factory were working well.
-Students and teachers will have access, UMD staff may not. Priority is given to students.
-Deferred until next meeting.

Summer Course Evaluation
-Deferred until next meeting

Dissemination activities
SITE 2009 Conference
-Dr. Duran is planning on sending out a short paper regarding this project. If you are interested in assisting with this, please contact Dr. Duran. These are three page documents/proposals. Topics include critical framework for the project and the Summer Course.
-Dissemination - At the end of the program, we want to prepare a STEM study guide containing four sections for each of the STEM areas.
This easily can be a book project, each team writing a chapter, evaluation team writing an evaluation chapter, another chapter for K-12 collaboration, etc. Give some thought to this idea.

Scheduling, questions and comments
-Kickoff is next Monday, School of Education, Dining Rooms B&C
-Next PI meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 27th, 5-7 PM, School of Education, Conference Room 251.

-Teachers’ stipends will be sent in two payments. Dr. Ward to send out a memo outlining responsibilies.


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