Saturday, November 22, 2008

FI3T Project PI's Meeting AGENDA November 22, 2008

FI3T Project PIs Meeting

November 24, 2008

5:00 – 7:00 pm

SOE Conference Room 251

Fairlane Center South (FCS)

University of Michigan-Dearborn


1.0 Welcome

2.0 Seminar Meeting Dec. 13

2.1 Structure

2.2 Celebration

3.0 Food ideas for 12/3 and 12/13

4.0 Advisory Board Meeting

4.1 Schedule for early January

5.0 Workshops - Winter

5.1 Students

5.1.1 Schedule – want to distribute on 12/13

5.2 Parents

5.2.1 Schedule – want to distribute on 12/13

6.0 PI Meetings - Winter

6.1 Schedule

7.0 Meeting with School Principals

7.1 Schedule

8.0 Others

9.0 Adjourn

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